Dr. Anna Meyer: Duo Etudes: For Those Pesky Little Problems
If you were a fan of the Monster Flute Method or just need some fresh duets in your life, this book may be for you. These are brief, mostly two-page duets for various musical concepts like double tonguing, triplets vs. 8th/16ths, subdividing long/slow notes, and recognizing patterns. The rhythm pieces gear towards comparing/contrasting two sets of rhythms like triplets vs. eighths, or off-beats with notes on the beat. In the long note pieces, the duet parts allow the student to hear a steady subdivision for counting while playing along. There are also a few duet parts dedicated to phrasing, articulations, and intervals. My favorite part was the piece in 5/8 using sets of symbols to show how the pattern recognition can aid you in counting and the feel of an awkward meter. For practice purposes, individual Flute 1 and Flute 2 parts are available for free and separately on YouTube, simply search “Duo Etudes”.
From the Author:
I set out to write 12 duos that would focus on common problems I see in my students across the board. Whether it is connecting two notes under a slur in different registers, intonation on strange intervals, or eighth notes as up beats vs. eighth notes on the beat, I wanted to write exercises that would be fun and help to strengthen some of these common issues I hear all the time. I also wanted to write something that they could play along with. Rather than just solo etudes, the duo etudes were born. The intention is to work on these in the students' lessons, with the teacher playing the opposite part. All the etudes are written with the intention of the student eventually learning both parts. I have recorded all the parts, and these are available to anyone on YouTube who might like to try their hand at playing along (link). Throughout the week, students can feel free to practice with the YouTube recording, then with their teacher in the lesson. While the recording will be unwavering, an astute teacher will adjust to the student, so the student will have to learn to listen differently when playing with the recording than they will when playing with their teacher. Each etude has a brief introduction with tips specific to mastering the "problem" in that exercise. Students and teachers should feel free to use tempo markings as a guide, not necessarily a goal.

Time signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 2/2, 6/8, 9/8, 4/4, 5/8
Key signatures: no sharps/flats, one flat, three sharps, three flats, four flats
Range of Notes: C1-B3
Rhythms: half notes, quarter notes/rests, eighth notes/rests, sixteenth notes, eighth note triplets, eighth/quarter triplets, syncopation
Road Maps: repeat sign
Special Markings: changing meter, breath marks, cresc., descresc., espressivo e dolce, a tempo, ritard, diminuendo, forte, piano, mezzo forte, Caesura, pianissimo, staccato, slurs, subito, sempre, fermata, duplets
Only monsters that occur in this book are on the front cover.
Each duo etude has a brief description at the top describing what the etude was designed for.
Descriptions are also in the table of contents.
Etudes are not in progressive order.
All pieces are written by Dr. Anna Meyer
Recordings of individual parts are available on YouTube